Triumph On the Horizon

Triumph On the Horizon


“Most surely, the friends of God shall have no fear upon them. Nor shall they

                    ever grieve over the life of the world… For them, there are glad tidings of

                    hope and consolation in this life and the promise of Paradise in the Hereafter.

                    Never can the decreed words of God’s tidings be changed. This is, in truth, the

                    magnificent triumph.” The Gracious Quran 10: 62-64


The earth under my feet has now settled, no longer wrinkled with resistance. Strife drives my peace and stress packs iron in my bones. My mind is now purged from thoughts that may put my faith in a chokehold. However lacking… still, I’m content with the way I placate heartaches and while away gray skies.

On my shoulders I carry the burden of uprightness and lift up hope against the gravity of collapse. I refute my haters’ narrative as to; who I am, what my “crime” is, what justice is; and how long a man can be caged before he’s ready to shed his own skin. I say: I’m God’s own desire and design; I’m guilty of “providing material support” to the Terrorized, not the “terrorists”; Justice is NOT what I’ve received; and thank God a decade behind these walls… and I remain the Muslim man whose vision and mission are both still intact.


Thereupon, I declare victory, today… and I won’t seek sympathy or self-pity… and I choose the chains over indignity… and I’ll always be free, no matter my usurped liberty. Surely, I’m not saintly, but God has fortressed me against moral emaciation.

   Therefore, why would I regret kindness? When every child from every womb in every land deserves equal access to clean water and contagious laughter?  And why would I renounce greatness? For the orphans I had cradled in my own love are now strong men and women fated to rebuild a greater nation? Faithfully they gather at the gates of time, look far and wide, and feel my love still coming. Faithfully they pray that God grants me entry into the gates of Heaven. Why, then, would I simply give in?  When I’ve just waded through man’s earthly hell, won everything… and lost nothing?

Shukri 9/12/18

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